Sunday, October 26, 2014

Chiffon Cupcakes & Baked Macaroni

30 pieces of chiffon cupcakes@hokaido cupcakes & 2 tray of baked macaroni was ordered by Chentaqaseh team. Tq dear for the order...

Tart Shell

Those yang rasa nak buat cheese tart or fruit tart tapi malas nak buat shell tart may do so via cuppyncakes, min order order shall be 50 pieces for RM 18.

Blueberry Cheesetart

Blueberry Cheesetart 50 pieces ordered by Jass my neighbour, she requested the cheestart to be packed in 2 boxes, since the cheesetart will be given to friend of her .

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Shepherd Pie & Cream Puff

Shepherd Pie ( 1tray) & 50 pieces of cream puff ordered by Chentaqaseh. Thank you for the order dear.
Shepherd Pie

Cream puff

Baked Macaroni & Cream Puff

Salam, lama tak update blog cuppyncakes nie. Ada mood malas update disebabkan kesibukan melanda, while managing my own schedule as mother & wife...he he he..
Okie just to share order received from ChentaQaseh, 50 pieces of cream puff and 2 tray of baked macaroni. Thanks dear for the order.


Friday, August 29, 2014

Fruit Tart & Cheese Tart

50 pieces of fruit tart & 50 pieces of Cheese tart ordered by Cik One, neigbhour

Fruit Tart


100 pieces of fruit tart prepared during Pot Luck at Nusa Subang.  Macam-macam makanan yang dibawa oleh penduduk Nusa Subang. Meriah dengan makanan sehingga tak larat nak rasa semuanya.

Change of Contact Number


To my existing customer whom used to text/call me, i had changed to new mobile number. For any enquiry do email me via

Best regards

Rainbow Cake

Rainbow cakes was ordered by my fren Laili for her son besday. Katenya nak superhero punya gambar untuk diletakkan di atas kek. Kek nie dipesan ketika bulan ramadan baru-baru nie. So makan time berbuka puasa ler yer, hepi belated besday adik izz.


Cupcakes was ordered  by Nabilah yang belajar di Johor untuk kawannyer yang berada di Shah Alam. So we made arrangement for delivery the cupcakes on behalf. Thanks Nabilah for the order. Sorry ler entry nie sebelum puasa lagi patutnyer. Disebabkan kekangan talian. Moga lepas nie updates will be ASAP..

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Furit Tarts, Koleh & Cream Puff

Varieties of fruit tarts, cream puff and koleh kacang order by nor last month. We met at giant hypermarket section 13 for delivery.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Cream Puff

 Cream puff ordered by Yuni from Kota Damansara. Thanks yuni..

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Fruit Tarts

100 pieces of fruit tart ordered by my regular customer from Glemarie...Thanks Mima

Cream Puff

Cream puff for hi-tea,ordered by fren of mine...